B2B Copywriting & Content Strategy to Drive Awareness & Leads

For hotel & event technology companies

Sharlet Brennan discussing B2B copywriting services with client.
Smiling marketing director sitting at computer

Are you a marketing leader who feels like this?

Your content drives too many leads that aren’t good fits.

If only you could reach your best prospects quicker.

Your products are innovative, complex, or new.

You want clear copy that proves you have the solutions buyers want now..

Your days are jam-packed.

You need someone who knows your market and can deliver results fast.

What would these changes mean for your company?

You’d put your brand in the limelight and engage the people you want to reach most.

You’d meet your marketing goals and see your company grow. Even if you’re working with shorter lead times and reduced staff.

You’d have more time to focus on other things that go into building a world-class brand.

B2B Copywriting to Crush Your Marketing Goals

Three ways to ratchet up awareness and leads:

Publishing great content, but it’s not ranking?


For when you need more visibility on Google but don’t know where to start:

Your custom roadmap to rank higher on search engines.

Get SEO strategies to uncover hidden pockets of opportunity. And earn higher rankings to generate more traffic and better leads.

Need to engage the right people faster?


For when you want stellar results without a long-term agency commitment:

A 6-8-week engagement to win the race to rank higher on Google.

Get expert SEO content writing services. And send quality leads to your website month after month.

Need to stand out in a crowded market?


For when your industry is crammed with competitors that sound the same:

B2B copywriting and strategy that set you apart.

Grab attention with content that gets to the heart of what buyers are searching for. But your competitors miss. And grow your business faster.

“Sharlet is a master at taking a complex topic and boiling it down to a concise message that gets results right away. She has a talent for launching new products in a way that builds credibility fast. Sharlet sets a high standard. I highly recommend her to anyone!”

Former Senior Marketing Manager
Aventri event technology

Customer Success Stories

Here’s how we help clients win.

A global hotel company faced competition from newer brands with massive marketing machines.

A strategic communications plan repositioned the company and contributed to record awareness, leads, and revenue.

A historic Mexican city stood out in a sea of glittering, new destinations, thanks to a unique repositioning strategy and engaging brand stories.

As a result, this destination enjoyed record visitation and a decade of uninterrupted growth.

A startup faced competition from the world’s largest hotel companies. Unique positioning and brand stories leveled the playing field.

The start-up rocketed awareness, attracted high-profile investors, and fast-tracked growth.

Kind Words from Clients

If you want to take your communications to the next level, Sharlet will take you there!

“Sharlet is an amazing person to work with. A strategic communication expert, she’s results-driven and extremely creative.

In my several years working with her, beginning with a brand launch and carrying through to promotions and corporate communications strategy, her talents seemed endless.

If you want to take your communications to the next level, Sharlet will take you there!”

Former Communications Manager
Choice Hotels International

She’s a powerful secret weapon and one I’m confident will work magic for any organization.

“I credit Sharlet for building awareness of my startup to the point where we were approached by our three top competitors as an acquisition target and ultimately completed a successful acquisition.

Sharlet’s writing is top-notch. She understands how strategy and copy work together for high-visibility marketing communications campaigns.

She’s a powerful secret weapon and one I’m confident will work magic for any organization.”

Founder and CEO
Zentila Hotel Sourcing Technology

Sharlet sitting at table with planning calendar
Sharlet at computer, providing B2B copywriting services

Hi, I’m Sharlet.

I’m a communication strategist and writer for hotel and event technology companies. 

I help innovative small and mid-size companies rocket awareness and leads. 

During a 20-year career, my clients have:

  • Doubled and tripled in size

  • Attracted high-profile investors and partners

  • Driven record leads and sales

  • Enjoyed nearly a decade of sustained growth

  • Won market share competing with bigger brands.

My services include B2B copywriting and SEO content strategy.

Clients say I have a unique way of identifying opportunities to reach their best prospects that others don’t notice.

The result?

You breeze past competitors to access the market through your private entrance. And grow your businesses faster.


Want B2B copywriting that skyrockets awareness and leads?